Tuesday, September 20, 2011

J is for jailhouse

This is one tiny jailhouse! 
This old jail, now a bar, in Port Dalhousie may be the smallest one in Ontario, though there are at least two others that lay claim to that title.


Chronicles of Illusions said...

now this looks just like my kind of jail - love the photo

Roger Owen Green said...

low crime area, one hopes!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

Great building, very dark and cold looking, perhaps a solitary confinement building.

Irene said...

That makes it one tiny bar too. Doesn't it get a lot of customers?

Kim, USA said...

It means there's not much crime before? ^_^

Kay L. Davies said...

So cute. So funny. I love it.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Hildred said...

The little old jailhouse in Keremeos is now a Museum, - it is still a little old Museum and we are working hard for a new one.

Ingrid said...

I never thought I could say the word "cute" for a jailhouse !! but it is !
ABC Team

Shooting Parrots said...

From bars to a bar!

Anonymous said...

Friendly looking place.

jabblog said...

I wonder what the 'specials' are called;-)

Mildred said...

Very nice shot and very nice little jail/ bar!
Loved reading "Shooting Parrots" comment about it;o)
It doesn't look like a jail at all! Maybe people there are so nice and honest they never need to send them to jail! Must be so nice to live in such a place!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice and happy day****

Jane and Chris said...

I'm guessing it's full on Fri 13ths!!
Jane x

Jane and Chris said...

Or is that Port Dover???
Jane x

Kathy said...

Much more fun to visit a bar than a jail!

Francisca said...

This sounds funny to say, but that's one cute jailhouse! :-D

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