Tuesday, September 27, 2011

K is for keg

ABC Wednesday


EG CameraGirl said...

Oh, aren't you clever?!

Unknown said...

is this like a beer keg?
i've seen something similar in a local watering hole.

Roger Owen Green said...

i never developed a taste for beer, so felt left out when the kegger parties took place.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Jane and Chris said...

Full or empty?
Jane x

VioletSky said...

yes, a beer keg.
and these ones were empty. otherwise I'd have found a straw somewhere...

photowannabe said...

Great simple shot for the perfect K.
Sorry its empty. A straw won't get you too far. (:0)

Irene said...

I was expecting a wooden keg with metal bands. I guess that's hopelessly outdated. It does date me, that's for sure. Could you find a full one and two bendy straws?

Chronicles of Illusions said...

so I hope they're full !!!

Roy Schulze said...

The "Brewers Retail" is a dead giveaway that it's a Kanadian Keg!

Beverley Baird said...

Great choice for K - I was expecting a wooden one as well!

Hildred said...

Besides being a klever choice the photography is really keen.

Andy said...

You had a keg of beer without me! The nerve.

Ingrid said...

I live in a beer country (Belgium), lol over 2000 different sorts !

Tumblewords: said...

Laughing. I've seen a few of these in my day - at least that's how I remember it...:)

Joy said...

Clever you for thinking of this. My local brew pub has lots of these outside but in different colours.

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