Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I is for inches

ABC Wednesday


Karen said...

I still measure in inches!

Francisca said...

I must admit I still think in inches too... and I've been surrounded by metric for decades!

Kay L. Davies said...

Even though he was raised on inches, feet and yards, my husband taught school for 29 years, so he can think in centimetres, but I can't.
In my working years, we measured width in picas and points, and depth in inches. 72 points to an inch, 12 points to a pica, therefore 6 picas to an inch. Nobody ever thought about centimetres in the printing trade.
I'd love to have an old yardstick. My husband has something he calls a "metre stick" — drives me crazy because it still sounds so wrong.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Chronicles of Illusions said...

love this shot

Roger Owen Green said...

great shot
when In was in Canada, I was great with km v miles, and a yard/meter are close enough, but not so much with the small stuff
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Joy said...

Love the different shades in the photo. I still think in yards and inches.

Irene said...

Because I lived in California for so long, I can think in both inches and centimeters. I'm getting used to centimeters, though. Do you own all these yard sticks?

Carver said...

Great visual and word for the letter I.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I preferred inches too lol.

Inspector Hector is my letter I. Hope you can drop by!

Tumblewords: said...

an inch is as good as a mile. Oh? I think I've mixed metaphors. Do love measuring sticks, though. :)

Hildred said...

I love inches, - I can think of metric temperatures, but measurements are still in inches and feet and yards in my mind.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Clever take on the letter "I".

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love how creative people are in these alphabet memes. And this post is a great example. We have always been inches, never went metric -- should have probably!

Ingrid said...

What a good idea ! never thought about this word !

Kim, USA said...

I still measure my waist lol! ^_^

I am In

EG CameraGirl said...

AH! So there is something I can do with my old rulers - save them for I in the next round. :) Actually, this was a very clever. I never even thought of "inches."

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