Thursday, November 12, 2009

north service 1

Take the time to come home to yourself every day.


Jim said...

It's a beautiful sight.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Quilt Works said...

Very pretty colors! And the steeple looks great against it!

Red red red sunset!

Bill S. said...

Great sunset. I love the colors late in the day or early in the morning.

PJ said...

That's a beautiful moment you've caught. Very complex and simple, all at the same time.

quilly said...


i said...

What a lovely sunset! The colours are so amazing!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty sky! It looks similar to the one I posted so I bet we took our photos on the same day. :)

Coffeedoff said...

Fantastic sky!

Ruth said...

Gorgeous. And I like the sunset too. It was your words that brought me in.

Linnea said...

Truly amazing sky!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful sunset. It is a great way to enjoy the end of the day. Great photo and Happy skywatching.

Char said...

wow - just a gorgeous shot

Debra said...

The sky is amazing! Great capture!

VioletSky said...

Thank you all.
Stine, it probably is the same sunset; I thought that too, when I saw yours.
Ruth, I'm glad my search for the right words drew you in.

Petit Eyekiss said...

Nice picture, and nice words!

SquirrelQueen said...

Awesome colors and a fantastic photo, I like the steeple off in the distance.

Karine said...

What an amazing sunset!!! Very well captured :o)

Lew said...

Beautiful sunset, especially with the steeple in the skyline!

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