Designed in 1932 by John Lyle, there are four of these pylons each with the city's coat of arms and a niche which was meant to house a statue.
As often happens, the design was too expensive and had to be scaled back,
and to this day the niches remain empty.
I vote for a competition with the winning scuptures occupying the niches. Might be interesting if the details of $ etc. can be worked out.
The colours sure do look great this time of year! :))
Wonderful photos! I wonder what they planned to put inside the niches?
It looks to me like you have captured three bridges in this one shot. Hope my eyes are not playing tricks on me. Great capture of the bridges, and the one of the pylon is quite impressive. genie
It looks to me like you have captured three bridges in this one shot. Hope my eyes are not playing tricks on me. Great capture of the bridges, and the one of the pylon is quite impressive. genie
@Genie, this is just one bridge.
@Pat, no-one ever got so far as to decide just what might go into these niches.
Sanna, I am surprised that no local 'wag' has designed his own version of what should go into the niches, and that it change on a regular basis and become a community 'sense of humour' thing. That is what tends to happen over here. The people= 1; bureaucracy=0.
@Julie, that is because your lot have a way better sense of humour than our lot!!
Now of days no one thinks to make a bridge with some art in it. They are just made out of cold concrete.
I like that iron bridge very much.The pylons look a bit sombre this way, there should have been a statue in indeed.
Still empty? Where's the public spirit?
Do what they did in Trafalgar Square: have a different person a day occupy the niche. That's Art with a capital A.
@Friko, that is an excellent idea!!
Nice photos of this bridge.
Regards and best wishes
Great shots of the bridge, it would be nice if they could complete the niches. What were they going to use in the niches? Thanks for sharing, have a great week!
In many countries, the niches are empty because people stole the statues.
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