has a Knox Presbyterian!
Here is ours for the Burlington tour through the alphabet.

It is the second oldest church in the community.
The first church was very small, and by 1877 a larger church was needed. The original church was moved to the back of the lot to serve as a Sunday school. Later, the two structures were bricked and attached. The current structure features 12 unique stained glass windows imported from Scotland.
ABC Wednesday
The stained glass windows seem to be its best feature, although the tower is kind of nice too, I care less for the scallopped edge under the eaves. But to each his own. Why is it called a Knox church?
I've never heard of a Knox Presbyterian church. In the US, there was always the First Presbyterian church, but rarely a second. ;)
It's lovely! When I started going to a modern (Baptist) building, I wondered where the stained glass windows were. Sadly, they don't have them here.
abcw team
I can't imagine the care it must have taken back then to ship 12 stained glass windows! Beautiful building:)
It is named for John Knox, a Scottish clergyman and leader of the Protestant Reformation.
No Knox in our town, but we do have a First Pres.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
A handsome building. Wouldn't mind seeing some of the windows, please.
There is one here at our area too.
Korean Souvenir
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
I hope to get back inside for window photos at the next Doors Open.
Gorgeous windows... I wish modern structures and architects celebrated windows more.. they are the "Eyes" of a building.. and the way in of natural light..
i like the gothic windows.:p
We have an outer suburb inMelbourne called "Knox", but I haven't seen this name associated with any churches presbyterian or otherwise. Maybe I haven't been looking hard enough...
Maybe it is more Canadian and Scottish than I though!
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