Wednesday, May 12, 2010

National Art Gallery and lilac bush

"If you foolishly ignore beauty

you will soon find yourself without it.

But if you invest in beauty

it will remain with you all the days of your life."

Frank Lloyd Wright

Lilacs on Green by Windows of the National Art Gallery



Anonymous said...

My mother loved lilacs and we had about a dozen planted in the back yard. Every time I smell them or see them I am reminded of her.
Thanks for the picture.

Kim, USA said...

Beautiful bush of lilacs. And the building in the background looks stunning!

Windows and doors2

Lew said...

Beautiful bush for the rather stark building! But lots of windows all in a row.

Anonymous said...

It's a little disconcerting seeing windows taller than wider.

VioletSky said...

Dave: you are welcome. I always thought, if I had a house with any bit of land, I'd plant a lilac, or two.

(I get the same memories from a Mock Orange)

VioletSky said...

Manang Kim: it was all the more striking because it was sitting in this massive green field, all by itself.

VioletSky said...

Lew: the roundness of this bush tries to soften the lines of the building.

VioletSky said...

ewok: they look rather prison-like to me!

Lew said...

Yes that is a right hand drive Chevy. I asked the owner about it and he said it was built in Australia. How it got to the USA I don't know. There are more pictures of it here. It is a very nicely restored auto.

Irene said...

He knew what he was talking about.

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