Wednesday, December 16, 2009

rw rw inside
Festive homestyle dining with cheerful waitresses


Anonymous said...

Isn't that sweet and homey-looking? I like the front window the very best. There's something almost '50's about it. Neat photo.

Carolyn Ford said...

Holiday window art! I agree that it looks like the 50's...certainly fun to look at for awhile!

Anonymous said...

What a fun window! I guess these must be portraits of the workers inside? Cool idea!

VioletSky said...

Stine: yes, we had fun trying to match the 'cartoons' to the wait staff!

Anonymous said...

very festive, so christmassy.

Lew said...

Looks like a fun place to grab a bite to eat!

My name is Riet said...

Looks like a great place.

Anonymous said...

At least these Santas are different!

VioletSky said...

This restaurant is very homey. Family run, with long time staff. Hearty all day breakfasts. And bottomless cups of coffee.

diane b said...

Nice Christmas windows. Inside sounds nice too.

Annie Jeffries said...

This looks like this could become a favorite place to eat for any local.

VioletSky said...

This is a favourite place for eating and visiting. Therre is almost always a line up out the door!

VP said...

Lovely decorations and nice reflections.

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