Monday, October 1, 2012


it annoyed me that each time I went to get an unobstructed shot of this mural, there was always something parked in the one space in front of the bit where the pumpkins were under the tree. then I decided that the juxtaposition of these two trucks was a nice addition. so you will have to trust me that the pumpkins* are there.
I also like that the windows on the second floor are evenly spaced and even the a/c units do not detract from the symmetry.

*this past weekend was Port Elgin's Pumpkinfest if you were wondering why there would be pumpkins at the beach.
Monday Mural
Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors


Chrissy Brand said...

An intersting looking new build and the mural is fabulous- the real life lorry works well in the context too- you turned a negative to a positive.

Linda said...

I understand your frustration - but that truck does fit rather well...that is a very nice mural!

Andy said...

I know the feeling when parked vehicles are blocking the view of the mural. In your case it was the perfect choice to included the parked truck in your photo. It's a good comparison between old and new.

biebkriebels said...

The truck fits very well in the mural, I agree.

Irene said...

It must have been awfully frustrating to try to wait for there to be nothing there. You would have had to camp out on the parking lot. Maybe I don't have an eye for murals because I never see any. I must be blind to them. You certainly have enough of them over there. Well, it does keep you busy hunting them down. I should have a hobby like that. Can you suggest one?

Linnea said...

That is really a unique scene. I agree, the truck really adds to the provides an updated version of the antique truck!

RedPat said...

I like the truck parked there and it isn't like you could wait around there for ever!

hamilton said...

and, at least both trucks are facing the same way!

Ralph said...

How cool the Fords of a different era sit next to each other. The building seems to harken back to the days of the Model A. Wether or not it is that old, it feels so...the mural is a work of art. The suburban shopping plazas have non of the aura of this. Wish it was nearby me...

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Past and present linked. Good call. And I do believe you about the pumpkins. What I can't believe is that it's that time of year again! Thank you for contributing to Monday Mural.

toby said...

That is a gorgeous building even without the mural! I'm also impressed with the symmetry, and I really like the roofline! I'd be happy to see the pumpkins a different time, but the dance of the two trucks does make for a lovely composition :)
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I know what you mean. I have several upcoming mural photos with the annoying vehicle or two, or three in the way. A few NO PARKING signs would be welcomed by us photographers.

VioletSky said...

ah, but as you can see, there is also one of those no parking signs (and a stop sign) in the way, too!

Halcyon said...

Sometimes cars and such can be annoying. But I do like the two trucks in this shot. Looks almost like you planned it that way!

EG CameraGirl said...

How frustrating. Unfortunately, I know the feeling!

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