Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Q is for QEW

The Queen Elizabeth Way is a highway that runs from the western boundary of Toronto to Niagara and ends at the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie (the bridge to USA)
The road runs in a east-west direction from Toronto to the centre of Burlington, then has a sudden left turn towards Niagara.

I have been intrigued by the changes in the signage. They were always blue on yellow with the trailblazers (the ones that say 'to') being yellow on blue. However, now it seems some are white on blue. For obvious reasons, I could not get a photo of the blue on yellow.


Hildred said...

I like the symbolism on this signage,and the colours, whichever one they choose to post, but of course the yellow stands out better and looks very sunny!

Ann said...

Very cool signs with the crown. I don't remember seeing any that cool here.

Chubskulit Rose said...

A quick mind to snap those signs.

Come and take my Dementia Quiz
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Roger Owen Green said...

we rode the QEW last year from Niagara Falls to Toronto!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Ingrid said...

I prefer blue on yellow ! you see it far better.
ABC Team

Halcyon said...

I've never seen the yellow and blue signs. But they do seem more visible to me than the white and blue. Too bad they changed. :(

Unknown said...

great take on Q. i like the blue on yellow sign...but i don't think it's a universal color for signs, right?:p

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

I wonder who gets paid what to change colors on signs?

RedPat said...


Leslie: said...

Great choice for our Q week! :D

abcw team

Dianne said...

I love the idea of driving on something called the QEW
sounds so regal

Lesley said...

I wish it felt regal to drive on the QEW :)
Nice collection of signs. Do you often take photos of highway signs?

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee....
«Louis» has always been intrigued with road signs, so he enjoyed this post!

Jim said...

That's quite interesting. Thanks for showing these.

Andy said...

Your signs brought back memories when I used take my family on outings to Niagara Falls.

genie said...

Loved seeing the crown on the signs. So nice a touch. I, too, am wondering about why the white background a lll of a sudden. You will have to let us all l know when you learn the answer. genie

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I guess you could have driven backwards.

Andy said...

The Pickering bridge is open but not completed. People are using it and there are elevators at each end.

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