Monday, September 22, 2014


I am pretty certain of the kind of cheap souvenirs one would find behind these shutters, but the shutter designs are a nice touch. Seen after hours in one of the many alleys off Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal in Amsterdam



biebkriebels said...

Nice paintings on the shutters, I can see some familiar images.... Delft blue tiles and a canal boat.

Andy said...

A tourist trap with neat art. Nice.

Tanya Breese said...

a nice place to add some art work!

Jackie McGuinness said...


Halcyon said...

I like both of them, but the delft print on the first one is pretty novel. I would probably also shop at Souvenir Discount. That's just how I roll...

Anonymous said...

I think it would be difficult to paint a scene on that sectioned panel. They did good.

RedPat said...

Nice! I always like really kitschy souvenirs and I bet they have some.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Hey, girl, where you been? Proud of myself; my first thought was "they look like Dutch tiles." Then I see you shot this in Amsterdam. Ta da! I think cheesy souvenirs are pretty much de rigeur in most cities around the globe. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

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