Monday, November 5, 2012

faded glory

murals painted on the wall of another Genoese building

these are very old and faded (I boosted the colour a bit on the top photo and a bit more on the closeup)

Monday Mural
Whimsical Windows and Doors


toby said...

What a wonderful combination of old and new - I love it! Thanks for boosting the color so we can see those lovely murals...

Andy said...

This is just as good as finding a ghost sign.

s.c said...

Yeh that were real artists in those times but I am wondering if they saw themselves as such or more like a good craftsman. But it must give a lot of satisfaction if you can paint like this.

biebkriebels said...

Ah, Genoa, I must think often at that place, so beautiful, such a nice climate and so many beautiful houses. Like this one.

Gunnar Hustad said...

Many nice pictures in this blog - I like!

Anonymous said...

It must have been a bit sketchy to be up so high painting a figure back in the time.

Ralph said...

The mural may be faded but that (Roman?) warrior seems to be descending through the mists for this very picture shoot. Amazing, this fellow looks very real and an apparition at the same time - great find!

Linnea said...

Beautiful artwork on the side of a building! Too bad they are fading away...

RedPat said...

It's a beauty! Good catch Violet> said...

Wow, Wow, Wow. Do hope they are restored before the disappear forever, these are too fabulous to be lost.

Halcyon said...

I guess they are really old. Glad they're still there for us to see! :)

Oakland Daily Photo said...

It doesn't take much imagination to envision these frescoes in their glory days. What a visual treat to walk down a street and have these works catch your eye. It's amazing that they've persisted through the time. Thanks for contributing to Monday Mural.

hamilton said...

just imagine how brilliant the streetscape would have been in the 17thC with all these murals (or frescoes?) on the buildings.

Ebie said...

The mural looks like they are superimposed. The style and colors are comparable to the Chapels in Italy.

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