Thursday, June 30, 2011

a mess of contrails

On a clear, crisp summer's morning, a mess of contrails over Burlington Bay and Hamilton



Sylvia K said...

Oh, that is a LOT of contrails! We've had some like that here in Seattle and I do find them fascinating! Terrific captures for the day! Enjoy your weekend!


Hildred said...

Such pretty blue skies and the contrails are a nice emphasis.

Jeannette StG said...

The last sky is really unusual, with the contrails going perfectly parallel! Did you go secretly in your private jet to make these?!

EG CameraGirl said...

You had quite a few jets flying over!

VioletSky said...

this is highly unusual, since this spot not very close to the airport!

Irene said...

Well spotted ... looks nice on the blue sky!

Carola said...

Unique contrails. Great composition on the second shot.

One Photo said...

That is a lot of trails! We live on a busy flight path but I've not seen quite that many in the sky. Perfectly captured too.

genie said... that it what they are called...contrails...interesting. I have always called them “jet streams.” Now I will know what the proper terminology is. Lovely. Obviously, there were lots of planes flying about this day. Genie

Karen said...

A beautiful blue sky showcasing those contrails.

Irene said...

Great shots. I don't even know what they are called in Dutch. What a beautiful sky you had.

Liz said...

Beautiful blue sky! Happy sky watching.

Liz @ A Simple Life

Indrani said...

Like a maze up there. Great captures.

Arija said...

You do have a lot of traffic overhead. I would not want my washing hanging under those traffic lanes.

Thomas Lee said...

Beautiful capture.


Unknown said...

Know that area very well!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Ms. Becky said...

well I've never seen them so almost-perfectly parallel to each other like this. it's as if jets flew over at the same time, in formation! I really like how you've composed this photo - with the vast sky and the city looking small in contrast. great job, and gorgeous skies. happy SWF!

forgetmenot said...

Interesting to see so many straight ones side by side--very nice shots. Have a great weekend. Mickie ;)

Anonymous said...

How wonderful!

Tina´s PicStory said...

Great shots! - Thanks for stopping by to my blog. :)

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