'enhanced' from iphoto
'auto-fix' from Picasa
'HDRish' from Picasa
I can no longer see the Burlington Skyway and the [Burlington Canal] Lift Bridge from my window due to the ever growing trees. So I had to visit a friend who lives a little higher up. The mornings have been a bit misty and dull though, so I had to alter the photos to bring out the colours. This is what happened.
What differences in quality. I guess which one you prefer is purely a personal taste. I tend to go with the second one, but maybe that's not the best one at all. It's a shame that the trees take away the view from you, or do you mind?
Nora: yes, I do mind very much! I love the trees, but I wish they blocked the apartment buildings instead of the lake and the bridge.
I couldn't decide which one I liked best... the first one is probably closest to the original, but the second one is really cool looking.
This was an interesting test. Before reading your comment to Nora, I was going to same the same you did. Picasa obviously pumps up the contrast, and that is what I tend to do to give clarity (except, of course, to photos that look better for the haze or softness)... which is saying the same as Nora, it's about personal taste. And that is one of the things I so like about blogging, is seeing peoples own styles and preferences. Pity you've lost your view to this lake and handsome bridge.
I love the second one. I have always been amazed by bridges although I have to admit I don't like to drive over them.....the view is amazing, too bad about the trees from your place. have a great weekend. thank you for visiting today, you put a smile on my face. hugs.
From this height, you can actually see the bay side as well I think it would be nice to be able sit on your balcony to watch the traffic going up and over the skyway and the ships under the lift.
What a shame the trees block your view. Thank goodness for friends who live way, way up!
I would probably go with the 2nd one too although the blues in the 1st are nice and .........!
«Louis» thanks you for your contribution to Sunday Bridges.
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