Tuesday, December 20, 2011

W for water

cool, clear water

no snow, nor ice, just fresh flowing water


Leslie: said...

How perfect is that? Have a wonderful week,

abcw team

Roger Owen Green said...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

Can't say it any better than that...
Fresh flowing water, beautiful.

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...


Wishing you a happy holiday and great 2012.

Tina´s PicStory said...

what a beautiful W :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I WISH you a Great Christmas and a WONDERFUL 2012.

Canada was where I had my first WHITE Chritmas.

Irene said...

It certainly is very lovely clear water. I thought only tropical seas looked like that. XOX

EG CameraGirl said...

Now aren't you the clever one? I didn't even think of the word water!

RedPat said...

Nice one Violet!

Tumblewords: said...


Oakland Daily Photo said...

Wonderful photo. Water, a precious resource, that we give too little thought to.

Anonymous said...

Water - life giving.

Ingrid said...

Now I wish I could swim in it, beautiful !

Laloofah said...

What would we do without it? Water in its liquid form (outdoors, at least!) is a rare sight around here these days, so thank you for this refreshing and lovely photo of beautiful, clear water!

Joy said...

Simple, and beautiful. Can't beat relaxing by rippling water.

Lesley said...

Wow! that is lake Ontario?!

Francisca said...

Wonderful Water... Works for me!!

All the best of the season to you!

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