Monday, May 9, 2011

Royal Arch

Every city probably has a Chinatown, some better and bigger than others.
but not many have as massive and royal a gateway arch the new one over Somerset St in Ottawa
"It's the royal style arch and only  the capital city is entitled"


Pretty Life Online said...

great catch for my world,,,, Have a nice weekdays! I hope to see you around @ my little world.

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, yes, it looks so much like the rooflines in the Imperial City in Beijing. If we ever get to visit Ottawa, I'll have to make a point of showing this to my husband. It's lovely!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

frankdphoto said...

what a cool arch. They have one similar at Epcot Center and I'm amazed at all the detail that goes into making this. Truly a work of art

Anonymous said...

Wow - what fabulous architecture! Great shots.

Ebie said...

I have been to quite a few Chinatown here in the US, but nothing as pretty and exquisite as this arch. You captured them beautifully!

Unknown said...

this is most beautiful Chinatown arch i've seen so far. what gorgeous details! the dominant blue color is also unusual.

RedPat said...

That's fabulous! I had no idea they had such a thing - haven't been to Ottawa in years.

VioletSky said...

This is brand new. I think it was unveiled in October 2010

TheChieftess said...

Wonderful archway!!! Love the second and third photos especially!!!

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