Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Q is for Queen

Queen Victoria


Joy said...

Gazing into the wide blue yonder. Nice detail. I wonder how many Queen Victoria statues there are in the world.

EG CameraGirl said...

Queen Victoria is looking quite stern here. I wonder what she's thinking! Maybe she's upset about the sudden increase in the price of gas?

Roger Owen Green said...

no one called her Vicky, I'm guessing.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Sylvia K said...

I bet Roger is right, and that no one called her Vicky!! Great post for the Q Day! Love your photo of the Royal one! Have a great week!

ABC Team

Hildred said...

What a splendid statue of Victoria, - we are looking forward to celebrating her birthday on the 24th

Kay L. Davies said...

There's no telling what Prince Albert called her when they were alone together. Apparently they adored one another, and they did have nine children, so he probably wasn't calling her "Your Majesty" all the time. LOL
Great statue!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Andy said...

Thanks to her most Canadians get a day off work with pay.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous statue and shot!

Ingrid said...

I recognized her immediately ! Very imposing !
ABC Team

TheChieftess said...

Perhaps she's thinking about all those interesting hats at the Royal wedding???

Chubskulit Rose said...

Lovely Q.

Please find out what my Q is at Nostalgic Marveling

Beverley Baird said...

What an imposing statue and queen! Great pick for the week!
have a wonderful weekend!

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