Friday, December 17, 2010

take off, eh


Camera Critters


Andy said...

There's lots of these birds in Canada that have lost their instinct to fly south. Frenchman's Bay near my house is now frozen over and the geese sit on the ice in a ball try to keep warm. The ice makes them easy prey for the local foxes and coyotes.
I hate to tell this but I don't think the birds in the photo are Canada Geese. The necks are not long enough. There is one easy way to find out. Next time check their passports:)

VioletSky said...

Andy: ooops, my bad!! of course these are Mallards.

We get more of these - plus Tundra & Mute Swans and Geese - in the winter than in the summer. Must be our balmy weather.

Unknown said...

Good photos of the mallards. They're probably habituated, and that's why they don't migrate.Boom & Gary of The Vermilon River.

EG CameraGirl said...

I wonder what made these mallards take off all at once!

I see mallards in certain places all winter here - places where the water doesn't freeze over such as in a fast-flowing creek near the York Regional Headquarters in Newmarket. They are there even during extreme cold, which surprised me when I first saw them. They become very tame, hoping someone - anyone - will give them bread.

Snap said...

lovely mallards in flight. well done!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photo of the ducks. Looks like they were coming in for a landing. Great capture.

Jessica - Magical Mundane said...

Love the photo but I love the heading too. LOL Thanks for sharing.


jijie said...

Visiting for CC here...pls follow me here and here... Have a nice weekends

Thanks a lot!

Unknown said...

I love the way Canadians say "eh"! I love Canada, especially Montreal and the Fundi Shore.

Birds in flight, they speak for themselves!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful shot!


Anonymous said...

Wow - marvellous shot!

Marie said...

I met a lot of these geese in Toronto :-))) Vey beautiful photo!

Unknown said...

I love when they all take off together like that! Nice catch!

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