Thursday, March 4, 2010

beach strip

Lord, I have loved Your sky,
Be it said against or for me,
Have loved it clear and high,
Or low and stormy
-Robert Frost (1874–1963)



Lorac said...

I really like the contrast between the sky blue and the water blue. It is such a lovely lake! Hopefully those clouds will bring rain not snow!

VioletSky said...

Lorac: mostly they brought the wind!

Pearl Maple said...

gosh you have some fabulous photos here in your blog space, thanks for sharing with Sky Watch Friday, and this little Canadian that has travelled far from home

Anonymous said...

The sky is beautiful over the lake. Funny how photos sometimes make the clouds look so low. I love the words by Robert Frost.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot, cold water and darkening sky! BBBrrrrrrr.

syel said...

the quote is apt for the photo. those are really big clouds :)

Jeanie said...

Love Robert Frost and your photos! Thanks for sharing~

Char said...

gorgeous wide angle shot

Dewdrop said...

I didn't realize how much Robert Frost and I had in common. This is a lovely shot. Love the composition.

Bill said...

Great shot!

Laura said...

this is so much depth with the boulders in the foreground and the straight horizon of the sea...the dense clouds and clear sky...beautiful!

Hildred said...

Very beautiful, - so many contrasts in colour and texture.

Amy said...

How could one help loving a sky like that? I love the framing...

LadyFi said...

Glorious shot and poem!

Jientje said...

Ooh wow. I love the colors, the drama, the composition ... It's breathtaking!

Irene said...

Fantastic photo, Violet, and a very appropriate poem fragment.

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

What an amazing photo, really!

Light and Voices said...

Joyce U.S.A.

VioletSky said...

Thank you all. Your words, and critiques, are very encouraging.

Matty said...

Oh, nice contrast between sky, water and rocks.

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