Saturday, March 20, 2010

canada blooms mirrors 1 canada blooms mirrors 2

a pathway of mirrors at Canada Blooms garden show exhibit



Dianne said...

the mirrors make wonderful abstract art

Susan Ellis said...

I was at Canada Blooms all week...there were some beautiful shots to be had!You captured a great one!

Louise | Italy said...

What a fascinating photo!

Carol said...

That makes a very interesting reflection shot! I would love to be at Canada Blooms!

VioletSky said...

Dianne: I really liked them. and it would make your garden look busier!

Susan: oh, if I'd known,I would have looked for you.

Louise: I like these better than those curved carnival mirrors.

Carol: it is wonderful to have this taste of spring in March!
(and I thought of this meme immediately when I saw these mirrors!)

Anonymous said...

I agree with the abstract art comment. What wonderful reflections.

James said...

This is really cool. It's like an abtract or a puzzle reflection. I like it.

Sunny said...

How unusual. Wonderful reflections.
Sunny :)

Irene said...

Somebody has to keep those clean too.

Regina said...

Great reflections!

Kaori said...

Beautiful mirror exhibit! I love all the different angles reflected on the mirrors :D

Kat said...

What a neat idea for an exhibit. Great for reflections, I like the way it turns the garden into a puzzle. Kathy

Serendipity said...

Fabulous! Those mirrors must have been out there specially for weekend reflections!

Jientje said...

It looks like a jig saw puzzle!

Ruth said...

There is no end to human ingenuity. Nature's images, enhanced. So very cool.

VioletSky said...

Clytie: this was very artistically done.

James: actually, while I sat for a moment and admired the view, I was thinking these did look like puzzles that just didn't fit properly!

Sunny: a plain mirror would not be enough now!

Nora: and so many little angles for the streaks to show!

VioletSky said...

Regina: thank you

Kaori: yes, this does look more interesting than a plain mirror - so much more to look at.

Kathy: I kept looking back to find where the reflections were coming from - some were hard to find from a standing point!

Serendipity: and it was only a four day show, so good thing I noticed!

Jientje: and if you think of the 'box lid' as the 'real view' and kept looking back you would be driven to insanity!

Ruth: being able to see so much from so many different angles would have me sitting in the garden all seasons!

Unknown said...

the wall of mirrors make an excellent collage effect. great shots!!

Beth Niquette said...

How very interesting--I like this! It's so creative. What a lovely choice for Reflections Weekend.

Jane Hards Photography said...

The Glass does give the photographer a lot to choose from. I'd be here all day with this one.

maryt/theteach said...

Very interesting piece of artwork! :)

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