Wednesday, March 17, 2010

hotel driveway

Lighting the walkway



VioletSky said...

this is a series of backlit panels found in a walkway between buildings in Yorkville. They change colours and I caught them at this pale green stage.

podso said...

They are beautiful. Almost looks like an aquarium

Irene said...

I'm glad you added that explanation with this photo, because I was wondering what these windows were. They are very good architectural designs and the changing light makes them all the more interesting.

Anonymous said...

I love a well lit room.

Louise | Italy said...

Lovely -- very futuristic. Love the colours.

Char said...

what a beautiful find - love the soothing color and repeated patterns.

Lew said...

Great composition! These windows must be spectacular at night.

Anonymous said...

Very nice. I haven't been to Yorkville in YEARS!

PJ van Zyl said...

well spotted

Gemma Wiseman said...

This almost looks like panels of water captured in glass! Very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

they change color? wow, I would like to see them.
I like their geometrical design

Sunmallia said...

I love all the photos on your blog, great eye for composition!

VioletSky said...

Why, thank you so much, Sunmalia.

Neither had I, Stine, and it hasn't changed a lot!

These were pink when I first saw them, Marina, and by the time I backtracked to take a photo they were green. I waited for ages for them to change again... Quite eyecatching, Pete.
Yes, I think this would look brilliant in the dark, Lew.

And I agree about the liquid look, Greyscale and Podso. Its futuristic look was what first caught my eye, Louise. Each large panel is slightly different, Char and it sure brightens up the laneway. Yep, these backlit windows have no viewing purpose other than to light up the area, ewok and green stone woman!

Sistertex said...

This was a fantastic tour.The tiles are really interesting ...fascinating actually. Thank you for sharing!

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