Wednesday, March 24, 2010

BGCC dining room

Golf is a day spent in a round of strenuous idleness. ~William Wordsworth

...and then we have dinner.

Golf and Country Club



Kim, USA said...

A great place to dine after playing golf. Happy weekend!

Windows&Doors~The blue door

ellen b. said...

Looks like a great spot! Enjoy chasing that little white thing around the greens...

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to dine at a golf club place or a country club place.

Larry D said...

Wonderful place!

Lew said...

Looks like a great view while you dine! (And I love the Wordsworth quote)

Kcalpesh said...

Cool! Certainly a nice place to be having dinner at! Nicely composed photo!

Pixellicious Photos

VioletSky said...

Manang Kim: I'm sure it is, with a nice view out over the lake.

Ellen: I do - though not at this exclusive golf course!

Ewok: yes, me too! The only time I get near such an establishment is for a wedding, and I know no-one getting married here in the foreseeable future.

Larry: it is very picturesque.

Lew: yes, it is right on the waterfront. and doesn't that describe golf to a tee?!

Kcalpesh: thank you, I had to keep moving to get those lamp poles just right...

Ruth said...

You golf? And who massages your shoulders after?

VioletSky said...

Ruth: I don't golf here! and I know, I need a massage!

Anil P said...

This is such a beautiful structure. From the atmosphere in the picture it appears to be far from the maddening crowd.

VioletSky said...

Anil: it is in a residential area - but a very exclusive residential area on the lakefront.

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