Saturday, December 19, 2009

icy promenade



chrome3d said...

Thanks for reminding me that it could be slippery this time of the year. Everything is so much bigger out there so why not icicles too?:-)

Annie Jeffries said...

And LOOK at those birds out there!!!!

VioletSky said...

chrome3d: and the crashing waves are pretty big, too!

Annie: off to the calmer end where the waves weren't as ferocious there were hundreds more geese.

quilly said...

Brrr -- but this outstanding snap was worth braving the cold for. Incredible!

Irene said...

You stood there and took that picture! Brrr...

VioletSky said...

Quilly and Nora: it actually wasn't as cold as this looks. our waves just aren't as warm as Hawaii's are!

LadyFi said...

Brilliant photo - and so funny with the warning sign...

storyteller said...

How wonderful to see the Olympic torch on it's way to Vancouver. What an amazing view in your watery scene ... oh so cold! I shared My World later than usual this week due to Christmas 'stuph' and am playing 'catch up' today ... Wishing you and yours a joyous holiday ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Judy said...

Oh, how I wish I could live near the lake!!! Then I could see the waves every day!
This is second best, though!!

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