Thursday, November 12, 2009

Picture 019

A window onto Ottawa Street



PJ van Zyl said...

This is great

Anonymous said...

I really like the charming murals painted on buildings in so many Ontario towns these days. It's entertaining to see the world through this artist's eyes.

Vicki ~ FL said...

Nice mural....and thanks for your visit :)

maryt/theteach said...

Fantastic mural and very clever for your post, Violetsky! thanks for playing Window Views! I really appreciate your participation!

MaR said...

Love it!! what a colorful and pretty mural!!

VioletSky said...

Pete: thanks, it is a nice meeting spot.

Stine: I wish we had more of them, they do add some charm.

Vicki: glad you like it.

Mary: thanks, I was attracted by the unusual inward angled windows, but the whole mural fits the theme!

Mar: I also like that there is a horse and cart AND a car on the same street!

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Is it a mural or a reflection?

Love the benches

VioletSky said...

Gerald: this is a mural - of the actual street.

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