Sunday, November 22, 2009


rbg turtle

a turtle on a trike

at the Royal Botanical Gardens


Megan, Life Revamped said...

great!..he'll get there faster!lol
recycled, yet pretty!

Have a great week! Come and visit my MYM today if you have the time!

Irene said...

Does it really work? Do his legs go round when you push the tricycle?

Chubskulit Rose said...

That's pretty!

Beauty of the Fall

quilly said...

Too cute! All our botanical gardens have is botany!

Angie said...

What fun!

EJ said...


Happy Thanksgiving! Please check out Our last days in Korea

Vicki ~ FL said...

That is the cutest..........!

Stephanie V said...

That's a wonderful sculpture! Gardens should have fun art pieces...great photo for MYM.

Anonymous said...

Oh! This is great! :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Toooo cute. Clever recycling. Pun intended. LOL

Quilt Works said...

So neat and creative!

...A field of golden sunflowers!

Carol said...

Well, thats a fun photo...and a great mellow yellow...

Race said...

i find it so cute! is it working?

my first time in MYM and I'm enjoying all the entries :-)

Happily Retired Gal said...

Wonderful find for MYM ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Martha said...

Oh my, how cute and unique!


Carolyn Ford said...

That is way too cute! Love it! Great capture and composition!

VioletSky said...

This little guy only moves if you tilt him up on the back wheels.
I'm glad you found him as enjoyable as I did.

Anonymous said...

I need one of those for my commutes. Cool photo.

VioletSky said...

DRB Commuter: and you know, turtles can be surprisingly fast!

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