Thursday, October 1, 2009

See the day that dawns in air,
Brings along its toil and care;
From the lap of night it springs
With heaps of business on its wings

~Thomas Parnell

SkyWatchFriday for more skies around the world


Sylvia K said...

Beautiful shots and beautiful words! Love the birds in the last shot!

Enjoy your weekend!


Redzlan said...

This is my dream shot, many birds in flight.
Do you know the name of this birds?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful clouds, so dramatic. great sky shots.

VioletSky said...

The birds in flight are Canada Geese, the ones on the light standard arms are ring-billed gulls.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Beautiful sky shots. Looking cold.

VioletSky said...

It was our first cold day with a bitter wind.

Char said...

gorgeous and to me, this is always a definite sign of fall - birds migrating

Japa said...

I liked both photos. So definitive of the season.

Guy D said...

I like these alot, thanks for sharing

All the best
Regina In Pictures

Carol said...

I like both of these ...I enlarged the first to see all the birds on the light, what a fun shot. The second is beautiful, wonderful composition with the birds in flight.

Hildred said...

Beautiful capture, - I haven't seen any geese yet this year so your photo is very welcome. Thanks for sharing.

chrome3d said...

The birds had scattered around that lamp in such good order that it was hilarious.

Irene said...

Beautiful shots, as usual. You are quite the photographer. I love the view of the sky in the second picture. You are very observant.

Regina said...

Beautiful skies and captures!

Unknown said...

excellent shots!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Love the light, so subtle over that cool blue.

Pearl Maple said...

How lucky for you to get to enjoy this moment, it is beautiful.

syel said...

i like the bird silhouettes on the second photo. lovely!

Anonymous said...

Oh you have geese too! :) I think they make the most beautiful patterns ever. I love how the seagulls look as though they're sitting on a fairground ride :)

Delwyn said...

Hello Violet

the second shot I love for its layers and clever pixie

Happy days

Splendid Little Stars said...

love your sky photos and the great quote!

VioletSky said...

Thank you all.

chrome3d and Kitty, These gulls had taken over two light standards in the parking lot and I had to get closer. I also thought of a fairground carousel.

Hildred and Charles, come visit here - most of the geese never leave.

Nukke said...

New day is dawning beautifully !

Coffeedoff said...


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