Sunday, November 24, 2013

Webster's Falls family plot

at Webster's Falls Conservation area in Greensville 
on the Bruce trail
according to find-a-grave, 
there are 12 family members interred here.



SeaThreePeeO said...

What an interesting plot. Such a shame that one of the stones has been broken.

Thank you for linking up with Cemetery Sunday

Beneath Thy Feet

mim said...

This reminds me to get back over to Hollywood Cemetery (in Richmond, VA, USA) and take more photos. We love cemeteries! Thanks for posting a reminder!

Halcyon said...

I just stopped by the local cemetery yesterday. I love looking at the names around here. I found a pretty good one that I'll have to squeeze in sometime. :)
I wish we had been able to do more cemetery hunting together in Toronto. It's hard to find someone willing to wander the aisles with me.

VioletSky said...

@ halcyon, maybe I'll come to Berlin...!

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