Saturday, October 5, 2013

Black Swan of Stratford

is anyone looking?

because I need to scratch my nose


Andy said...

Last year just after hurricane Sandy blew through a black swan was spotted on Frenchman's Bay. It was believed that Sandi's winds blew it off course. It was a very unusual sight for these parts. It tried to group up with the white swans but they would have nothing to do with it. Within a few days it was gone.

eileeninmd said...

The Black Swans are beautiful. Great shots!

VioletSky said...

@Andy, I think this poor black swan must be lonely, being the only one among the 22 white (mute) swans. it would have been neat if that Frenchman Bay black had been tagged so we could keep track of him.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous black swan ~ great shots ~ carol ^_^

SarahBeth said...

Beautiful black swan! Funny post -- I love that you caught him scratching his, um, nose!

RedPat said...


Unknown said...

Beautiful! We don't have black swans in Finland.

Anni said...

So very handsome!!! Gorgeous color and wonderful images.

Louisette said...

wonderfull black swans, have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

LOL - and lovely shots.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

She's beautiful even when she's scratching her nose!

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