Sunday, June 2, 2013


a rare cantilevered octagonal house


Lesley said...

Wow! I've always wanted to see an octagonal house. (that sticking out bit might scare me a little, though)

toby said...

How interesting! I bet the spaces inside that house are really pleasant, although it looks like there might not be a lot of room for bookshelves :) And Lesley, you're right - that bit on the right is sticking *way* out - wow! I wonder if they have a sign with a weight limit :)

photodoug said...

Could the extension be for bird watching?

RedPat said...

Nice! Great shot.

Fun60 said...

Wouldn't like to have to fit the carpets in that house. Never seen one so unusual.

Annie Jeffries said...

Intriguing design. It looks vaguely familiar, like I have seen such a house in the long ago past. Love the setting of the house as well.

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