Sunday, June 23, 2013

garden shed

a shed attached to the garage using an old door from the house with a bonus reflection from the garden 
Love it!


toby said...

That is by far the fanciest shed that I have ever seen! Way to go - not only did they manage to keep their storage space classy, they also found a nice way to reuse a lovely door that might have otherwise been trashed. *And* you got a great item to post at WWDD out of it all - win win win!

Fun60 said...

It looks like a door into a secret garden. What a great find.

photodoug said...

Terrific reflection.

RedPat said...

So cute and pretty!

TheChieftess said...

A charming little spot! Looks to me like a door to a quaint little studio for reading or creativity!!!

Jackie McGuinness said...


EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like the place is well kept. I like red doors.

Andy said...

It's a cutie! Reminds me of a kid's playhouse.

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