Saturday, January 2, 2010


For those uneasy with the world, solitude is the only guarantee of confidence.

~The Quote Garden

taken on 01.02.2010

happy palindromic day, the second of this century (the first was 10.02.2001)



eileeninmd said...

Nice shot of the Mallard duck.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a lovely shot and so peaceful. Happy New Year.

Maia T said...

Lovely photo. This is a mail mallard, their plumage is so beautifully colored.

Carol said...

Happy palindromic day, love it, never thought of that! Nice shot of that beautiful mallard.

Von said...

Love those palindromes.We have a place name in South Ausralia..Glenelg, used for teaching kids about palindromes.
Nice mallard!

Thérèse said...

Thks for mentionning the Palindromic day! How funny.

Kat said...

Lovely shot of a beautiful mallard! I can't imagine how cold that water is! We used to go to Lake Michigan and it was still cold in June! Kathy

Irene said...

Oh, how very true that quote is. There must be lots of wisdoms for people like us out there.

penny said...

The duck leaves a lasting reflection, nice shot. Thanks for stopping by, have delightful day.

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo my friend. Looks chilly to me but he looks okay with it LOL. Love the reflection :) And thanks for sharing palindromic cool :)

VioletSky said...

it was very cold when I took this and most of the other ducks were huddled together

James said...

Great shot. When I lived near ducks they would travel in groups of two or three then flock with other groups.

I also really like your skywatch picture.

Anonymous said...

It makes me feel cold to see ducks ad geese swim in frigid waters. LOL

Anonymous said...

awesome crisp photo of the duck :)

Char said...

I didn't realize that! how cool. great shot

VioletSky said...

Char: that quote resonates with me

Ramosforest.Environment said...

Great shots.
Beautiful your Country.
Luiz Ramos

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