Thursday, January 14, 2010

New York 163

a building in Midtown Manhattan gets a glass clad faceliftwindow cladding2



Lucy Corrander said...

Taken overall, there aren't enough pictures of people at work . . . flowers . . . moons . . . street scenes there are a plenty. We could do with seeing more workers!


Carol said...

Great shots and interesting to see how this is built on. It changes the entire look of the building. I like the perspective in the first shot. And you have captured a beautiful reflection also.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

fascinating...guess they are updating the building's facade and this is a way of doing it. maybe it also provides energy savings to the building as well?
nice captures.

Gemma Wiseman said...

This is an extraordinary sight! The rewsult seems to be "double windows"! Great shots!

VioletSky said...

Lucy: I agree - it adds more life to the picture

Carol: it does change it all entirely. yet, the offices inside will still have only the small original windows to look out of.

Erin: it all seems a little strange to me to cover the brick with panes of glass. maybe there is another step later on.

Char: an interesting view

GT: makes me wish I'd been there a week or so ago to see it better (when the glass was only half way up?)

Mridula said...

All the foregrounds make the pictures so interesting.

Thérèse said...

It must have been a huge bauble! It looks so cool.

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