Sunday, September 27, 2009


that I exist is a perpetual surprise, which is life
~rabindranath tagore


Anonymous said...

This plant is exquisite! Is it a houseplant? I ask because it looks very exotic.

VioletSky said...

Stine: a lily. with two stamens - that part is exotic!

Carletta said...

Lovely Lily!
Really nice shot.

claudie said...

Love the lilies... but LOVE THE QUOTE.
I also love "the cure for curiosity one".
Happy MY
Love Claudie

bobbie said...

How perfect. A beautiful flower

Dimple said...

Beautiful flowers; the colors surprised me a little. I guess I'm too used to the white with yellow callas that I grew up with!

Miranda said...

Simply gorgeous!

Char said...

beautiful shot

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Beautiful plant!

Mimi said...

A brightening shop and thought for the start of a new week.

Chie Wilks said...

it is so beautiful..i am just wondering the is really beautiful for my indoor vase

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

When I slow down
I delight in simple things—
an open flower.

My Mellow Yellow

Carol said...

So beautiful....

Mrs.Who said...

Lilies I love this still shot.

MaR said...

Ohhhh, beautiful, beautiful lily and quote.
Happy Monday! my entry is here.

Rose said...

Wow, that is gorgeous!

Thank you for visiting my blog, Time Stand Still.

Irene said...

It's a beautiful plant. I would very much like to own one like it. Do you know what it is called?

Marice said...

is that a gladiolus?? :) such a nice flower!

mine is up late

Singapore plants lover said...

Beautiful flowers.

VioletSky said...

Blogger is being a pain and not sending all comments via email....
So sorry, I am not ignoring anyone, really, I'm not!
I'm glad you visited.
This is a lily BTW, with an unusual double stamen and colouring on the petals, which are most often solid colours like white, yellow or purple.

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