Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dear Fellow Housewives
Instead of worrying yourself into a state of jitters over keeping a perfect house, let this book show you how to make it easier for yourself.
Click on the icon for more Mellow Yellow Mondays


Mar-Bear said...

I like Heloise`s hints...great pic!

VioletSky said...

Mar-Bear: Thanks. I just found this book yesterday - memories!

MYM said...

OMG! lol I was born in '62 ... and I thought Martha Stewart was the original evil...LOL. Well, at least it's a pretty colour.

VioletSky said...

Drowsey: Heloise was not evil. She was "your neighbor and friend".

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh very cool, i think the best hint for house work would be to have a maid, i figure if i ever get rich i would have one, i sure been waiting a long time however, i guess i better get the book. Nice post for yellow

Anonymous said...

Great post, how do I get the book? LOL

VioletSky said...

Lilli & Nevada: A maid would be great, not live in - this way I'd at least tidy up before she got there!!

VioletSky said...

Amanda: Thanks. Sadly, I imagine it is as out of print as it is out of date! A fun read, though.

Dianne said...

great shot of the book, I believe my copy is buried in dust ;)

VioletSky said...

Dianne: This one had a badly torn dustjacket which ripped right off while I taking the photos. I'll need to make a new one to keep it looking as fresh as its daisy logos!

pehpot said...

Can I borrow the book? LOL

VioletSky said...

pehpot: another quote: "your husband wants a neat house and a happy wife and family. That's all!"
Suits the Mad Men, no?

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